Imperial Highway Rehabilitation Project


OE provided construction management and inspection services on this high profile project for the City of Lynwood. The 1 mile project ran from Atlantic Avenue to the East City limit, a section with high traffic flow due to a tie-in with the 1-710 freeway. The project included a grind and overlay of 0.5 miles of roadway, full-depth reconstruction, ornamental fence and lighting rehabilitation, median curb, decorative landscaping, median irrigation, and a new city monument sign. The project also entailed constructing new concrete curbs to replace the existing plastic channelizers located on the centerline between Atlantic Avenue and St. James Street. During the course of construction, our staff recognized a need to extend the length of the landscaped median island on Imperial Highway between Atlantic Avenue and Wright Road to improve traffic safety on the street. Due to high traffic volumes, paving was completed at night on several roads, including the I-710 ramps. Furthermore, lane closures and pavement work had to be coordinated with Caltrans and a Caltrans contractor working on the I-710 freeway.