Ahucate Slope Repair Project


OE provided construction management and inspection services for major slope repairs along Ahuacate Road. Ahuacate Road had a significant landslide in 2005, located across from 2134 Ahuacate Road.  The landslide undermined the public right-of-way and posed a risk of increased slope failure. The contractor installed a large retaining wall, reinstalled an 18-inch storm drain through the new wall, and rebuilt the adjacent slope. The retaining wall included steel H-beams, up to 40 feet in length, placed in nine cast-in-drill-hole concrete soldier piles embedded at least 20 feet in bedrock. Each soldier beam was encased in a 30-inch diameter concrete caisson. A reinforced shotcrete retaining wall was constructed and attached to the soldier beams. Our staff was extremely concerned about losing the entire road, thus time was critical for completing this project. Due to the high profile nature of this project, OE was required to conduct presentations at town hall meetings and city council meetings to ensure that the public was aware of the ongoing work and to answer any questions. By actively coordinating and staying in contact with the Contractor, utility agencies, the public and the City, the project was successfully completed and future roadway failures have not been experienced to date.